Fair Super
Ronald & Diane Collins
Mike Rascati
Mail Entries To
Diane Collins
Attn: Horses Draw
105 Anthony Rd.
North Stonington, CT 06359
Horses & Oxen Drawing Forms
Horses Drawing Contest Rules
Co-Superintendents: Ronald and Diane Collins, (860) 514-4060
- Horses to be weighed on Fairgrounds on day of Drawing from 11 - 1 PM. No Horses will be allowed off the Fairgrounds after weighing.
- Unless otherwise specified, the two Horses Drawing Contests will be in accordance with the Rules of the Eastern Draft Horse Association.
- All Horses must have proof of Rabies Vaccination.
- All Horses must test NEGATIVE for COGGINS within twelve (12) months of show and have their CERTIFICATE AVAILABLE for inspection.
- HORSES: Bridles are permitted though NO Open Bridles Allowed
- No Person under the influence of liquor/alcohol will be permitted to drive or assist in any way.
- The required distance for the Fair Pulls shall be twelve (12) feet for Horses. Starting loads will be determined by Superintendents/Judges.
- NO TEAM will be allowed to enter the pit area, (between the rails) until the stone boat is securely back to the starting point and pinned. Failure to comply will result in - Loss of Hitch.
- Horses: The Superintendents/Judges are responsible for enforcement of all rules. They shall determine the winners and shall award the prizes in accordance with the rules. Failure to comply promptly with the directions of the Judges and Superintendents shall result in immediate disqualification of any contestant. The Superintendents/Judges have the right to remove any participant immediately from the Fairgrounds for violation of the rules. They shall have the right to refuse or reject any entry that they believe will not be proper. Drivers shall name the team they are going to drive before drawing of numbers for position of order. For Horses, each Driver is allowed two assistants.
- The Superintendent(s)/Judge(s) will have the Final Decision on all calls.
- The top four (4) remaining teams must pull until a winner is determined. Owners with more than one team shall not have to pull against themselves.
- ONLY Fair Contestants and Officials are allowed in the ring.
- There shall be two (2) Classes of Horses, one 3200 pounds and under and one 3200 pounds and over.
- There will be eight premium prizes and eight rosette ribbons for each class plus a 1st place trophy for the winner of each class.
A premium of $25.00 will be awarded to any team entered in the competition and
completing the initial drawing weight of approximately 3,500 lbs and placing 9th or below.
This premium is awarded only once per owner for the day.
3200 lbs & Under
3200 lbs & Over
Trophies and Rosette Ribbons donated by Richard and Lynn Gildersleeve